Photo from Donkey Climb - Miguel Garcia
2020 season:
-3rd in the national qualifiers 2020 (category: Youth A)
-2nd in the national lead championship 2020 (category: Youth A)
2019 season:
-2nd (/150) in the national ISA (UK) lead and bouldering 2019 (All categories)
-4th in the Balkan bouldering cup 2019 (category: Youth A)
-3rd in the national bouldering cup 2019 (category: Youth A)
-47th in the European lead championships in Edinburgh 2019 (category: Senior)
-30th in the Youth World Championships 2019 combined format (Lead*Speed*Bouldering) (category: Youth A)
-44th in the European bouldering cup in Sofia 2019 (category: Youth A)
-7th in the Balkan bouldering cup 2019 (category: Youth A)
-1st in the combined nationals 2019 (category: Youth A)
-3rd in the national bouldering championship 2019 (category: Youth A)
-1st in the national lead championship 2019 (category: Youth A)
-2nd in the national lead qualifiers 2019 (category: Youth A)
2018 season:
-8th in the Balkan bouldering cup 2018 (category: Youth A)
-3rd in the Bulgarian bouldering championships 2018 (category: Youth B)
-4th in the Rockway open rally 2018(all categories/ 1st in under 18s)
-4th in the Balkan bouldering championship 2018: Greece (category: Youth B)
-2nd in the Komotini bouldering cup 2018 (category: Youth B)
-5th in the Balkan lead championship 2018: Turkey (category: Youth B)
-4th in the Balkan lead championship 2018: Skopje (category: Youth B)
-2nd in the combined national cup 2018 (category: Youth B)
-3rd in the Komotini lead cup 2018 (category: Youth B)
-2nd in the Volos lead cup 2018 (category: Youth B)
-3rd in the Greek bouldering championship 2018 (category: Youth B)
- 3rd in the Greek lead championship 2018 (category: Youth B)
- 2nd in the national lead qualifiers 2018 (category: Youth B)
2017 season:
-4th in the Bulgarian lead championships 2017 (category: Youth B)
-2nd in the Balkan lead championships 2017 (category: Youth B)
-3rd in the Komotini national lead cup 2017 (category: 2002-2004)
-3rd in the national lead championships 2017 (category: 2002-2004)
-1st in the Volos lead national cup 2017 (category: 2002-2004)
-1st in the lead national qualifiers (category: 2002-2004)
-1st in the youth Rockway bouldering rally 2017
2016 season:
-3rd in the Rockway youth bouldering rally 2016
-5th in my first ever national comp 2016 (category: 2001-2003)